Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I'm real angry, Sassy
That's a funny enough place to start
I'm angry and jealous and lonely and sad
Because I don't get to go to sleep and skip the year
Or zone out and just let it happen around me

I'm real angry, Sassy
Because everyone's already engaged
I'm angry and jealous and lonely and sad
And I don't want to work hard for it
And I haven't seen the hard work that everyone else has put in
Just the end result of a status update with a ring icon

I'm real angry, Sassy
Because everyone is stupid but me
Which is what I say as I burn my own house down
And by house I mean two bedroom apartment
When what I would like has more bedrooms
A backyard
And a washer-dryer combo

I'm real angry Sassy
And now you're licking yourself
Ick, it's audible

Monday, December 5, 2016

Shoot sadness in the fucking face

Give anxiety a Michinoku Driver

Pull loneliness' shirt up over its head and
 punch it on the crown of its head

Push ennui down a flight of stairs

Hold all of your worries and troubles by the 
throat over the edge of a tall tall building and 
say a great one-liner before dropping them

Throw a Kienzan at not being able to sleep 
at night and spending hours on the couch during 
the day waiting to go to bed and not sleep

Scream at insecurity and secret shame as you 
crouch over it and choke its life out

Say something really mean to not 
being happy, that'll learn it

Monday, November 7, 2016

Coming home from the third show third month
A band I loved half a lifetime ago
Being surprised that I know all the words
Being surprised that I'm being surprised

Home again step on the cat
She's too dark to see

Apologize and sleep on the couch
Move to bed at six in the morning
Strip to underwear catch my reflection
Older, unflattering, ponchy and hairy

This is who I've been all along
Still sad about it

It's still cold in there so I wrap up in the extra blanket that I had
Would rather it be a person, not a person skinned and made blanket
Somebody besides me

I had a great time, now it's a bad time
I had a great time, now it's a bad time
I distracted myself with not feeling well
I don't think I'm good at this but what else can I do

Friday, November 4, 2016

You look beautiful in the moonlight.
You look beautiful in the daylight, too.
And dusk! And dawn, when it's colder than it will be all day.
When it's early and I wake up before you and you say not to look because you have morning face and a birds' nest for hair, too.
When you're angry with me, when you're sad and it's my fault, when stuff just will not work out.
When I'm boring or say the wrong thing or am uncommunicative.
When I'm surprised to see you, just a weird fluke.
And right after that, too.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Hey dryer, thanks for working so hard
And hey fusebox, thanks for being locked
You're both just doing your job
So I can't blame you for the fact that the dryer isn't working and that my clothes are all damp

It isn't your fault that I want to look nice tomorrow, that's on me
It isn't your fault that maybe I want to impress someone, or at least put my best foot forward
That I would like to appear to not be a mess
That I would appreciate greatly being able to sustain the illusion that yea, I am Kyle
I am an adult and capable of not making an ass out of myself

But, like, I do still blame you
And I am hopeful that one day I will live in a place where I can just change the dang fuse

Friday, October 14, 2016

Hey, what are you doing?
Want to talk about that book?
How 'bout that common interest? 
Are you cold? I'm cold.
These are the boring questions I would love to be 
able to ask you, and be able to talk with you about. 
Little dumb things that don't especially matter, 
but do in the larger scheme.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

most of my favourite music is lyrically depressing
but you could dance to it
or at least smile to it
which is a shortcoming of prose writing
the saddest song in the world could be your fucking song
the average sad prose writing just makes you feel sorry for someone
so here's a break for a trumpet solo
yeah yeah yeah!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I could keep writing about you, sure
Little tokens of affection

But the thing about tokens is that, in a literal sense, they are a thing that have no actual value other than that given to them by the place they're used.

A token isn't a quarter, a token of affection isn't concrete
So maybe I'll knock it off
But probably not

Monday, September 12, 2016

I woke up from that dream again
I woke up soaked in gore again
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed
I woke up still in my own head
I woke up inside a dream and then woke up again
I woke up already exhausted from the day that hadn't begun

I woke up remembering and taking pride in everything that I had accomplished in my sleep while simultaneously dreading everything that I wouldn't accomplish during my conscious hours

But also soaked in gore, remember that, soaked in gore.
This is a crucial detail that will become important in the future.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Steps to rebuild a face that you can't picture in your mind

1) Panic and realize that you can't remember
2) Try and get nowhere for a bit
3) Think about other faces of people, ones that you're able to remember
4) Give up and go with it for a bit, knowing it will come back
5) Give up on giving up
6) Start with the teeth
The rest of it comes really, really easily
Because yeah, you drew the smile
But that was a smile without teeth
And the teeth form the smile, the teeth give the smile life and a frame, what you need to remember
7) Hairline, eyes, eyelids, set of jaw and shape of nose and idealized colour of eyes
Pants and purse and phone case
These are not a face, but now you remember them all
8) Hi, face

Friday, August 19, 2016

roses are red
violets are violet
it's in the name
jesus christ people

roses are red
violets are blue
gender binary's fucked
let's get high and watch gravity falls

roses are red
violets are blue
spider-man's both
spider-man's poetry?

roses are flowers
violets are flowers
here are some other flowers
daisies, sunflowers, chrysanthemums

roses are red
so is my head
come back to bed
i've made some bread

roses are red
violets are blue
this is a line
this, here, is, too

Sunday, July 31, 2016

I went to that show
where I figured I'd know everyone
and I was already owly
and I knew enough people that I could be Show Kyle
bop and tap one foot and nurse a beer

and then the band played a song
that sounded like Sound System
which is certainly not an insult
but I would rather just hear Sound System

and then He appeared
One Dude Skanking

He skanked like no one was watching
at least I was, because, my dude, that was some skanking
He skanked with abandon, He skanked like the world was ending
He skanked circles around the foot tappers and boppers and beer nursers

it was pretty great

His skanking could melt the heart of the most brutal dictator
His skanking could end world hunger and give snacks to the snackless
one skank to rule them all: His
One Dude Skanking

and then the song ended and the next song didn't have that guitar riff
but that's cool, because One Dude Skanking's gotta keep moving
and I think that He'll be back
when we need him most
when we need
Doing That Thing Where You Walk And Dance To Reggae Or Ska
what do you call it?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I keep waiting for it to be gone
And it still isn't
So I try to ignore it

But my brain keeps pulling my eyes to it
Just there, on the other side of the door

When will this be gone? When will I not want it?
I check again
Of course it's still there

Maybe it's always going to be there
Long after any hope of it still being good
It's going to be there, taunting me

Fred, eat your hummus that's in the staff fridge
It's been like a month, come on

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I've learned to fear the heights of feeling good
Because, boom, there's the crash
The crest and the and orange juice
I don't know how that happened

Get into work
My voice is cracking from not being used
Exercise it, socialize
Open up a little to strangers
Go for a walk, it's actually nice out
Even if it is an uneventful walk
Go home, feed the cat, feed the me
Draw for a commission, go for a drink

Was it the women nattering away in the booth next to me?
With their incessant, cackling, laughter
Was it that the guy with the fade/manbun combo?
He was confident and handsome and a creator
Was it the walk and seeing the same damned car?
Important reminder, that thing you fucked up
Was it Men In Black?

Maybe I'm just tired
Sure I'm tired
But I wrote this last week
And put it in the buffer
So maybe I feel better this week
And the sun's out
And I don't crash

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The wind doesn't cut into me right now
I went for a walk and the wind was pushing and punching
Shoving me, trying to knock me over
It was screaming at me like it was angry with me
But it couldn't cut me
It's not a winter wind anymore
It's like the real anger, the real drive, went out of it
It's not what it could be, replaced with something
Almost just taunting
Kinda impotent
In the summer it will be sometimes hard to bike against
And it will make me tired
And when I walk it woll make my jacket or sweater or whatever incessantly blow in a contrary direction
And rip my headphones out of my ears
But it won't cut me
It won't cut me for months
So push and punch if it makes you feel better
You stupid, stupid wind

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

there is going to come a point when I never see you again
and maybe that point has already come!
I... I hope not
but I was thinking earlier today
when I caught the bus to catch the plane out of town
and saw a car that looked like yours but had the old lady driver
that you might up and leave and I wouldn't know until after the fact
until after it was too late to do anything
but it's been too late for a while
so if you leave
tell me
and tell me that Windsor is nice
or Victoria is nice
or that you still would talk

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Summer Nights!

I want it to be hot, muggy, the air thick and smelling like how Mississauga smells in my memory, like there are pools everywhere

I want to be outside and sticky and not worried about a coat, and to be on my third t-shirt of the day, walking

I want to walk until I need (NEED) to sit down on a curb for, just, like, five minutes, maybe seven, and to have the optiom to do that

4% battery holding out until I'm almost home so that I have to sing to myself for entertainment the last little bit

Don't fall asleep until 5:30 am, pantlegs wet with dew, please be dew

Wake up already warm, thirsty

I'm already sick of the sun, but I'll miss it in January

Just like I miss lots of things that I don't appreciate at the timeHEY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SUMMER HERE

Gonna walk a flask on down to the corner store and make a hobo colada at the slurpee machine

I want to listen to crickets, walk next to a skunk, worry when I see teenagers that are probably worried when they see me

Watch the sunrise from the other side of a wall in bed and be thankful for summer fucking nights

Monday, February 1, 2016

burn yourself because
heck, yourself doesn't feel that
even if they do

burn yourself because
hey, don't hurt anyone else
only you forever

jesus, wow, bleak though
but you have said it before
the clock is ticking

you've got two years, tops
where ████ will call someone "mom"
instead of their name

two years is a lot
two years ago i was ████
and things were so ████

so I guess who knows
in two years, things might be great
█ ████ ███ ██████

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I talked with the one that got away
With three dear friends that I never will reconnect with
With my best friend that got away and I never will reconnect with

I talked about comics and music and industry shit
With so many people about art and creating and everything
And it might be too much

I talked to my cat and she was indifferent
Except for when it came to kneading my stomach
And was it time to eat? Yes? Me eat meat now?

I talked to my daughter and she told me that my music was garbage
But she is twelve
She doesn't know, she thinks that garbage is gold and taste is forever

I am so happy that I could talk to all of them
And now I wait for the crash

Monday, January 11, 2016

What I said was you had been on my mind
What I didn't say was a day hadn't gone by when you weren't
Because I didn't want to seem weird
Even though we both know I am

What I said was I like having someone to talk to 
What I didn't say was I want to do that all the time
Because who says that? Who pulls something like that?
Who puts someone else in a position like that?

I didn't say that I still missed you, or that I was sorry for ruining everything and I was scared that it couldn't ever be fixed, or even that I looked for you when I was out walking, as if seeing you pass by would change anything besides giving me butterflies

What I said was take care
And I meant that
As much as I could
I want a muse
Because my muse right now is that I am without mine
And that makes for a very sorry muse