Monday, November 7, 2016

Coming home from the third show third month
A band I loved half a lifetime ago
Being surprised that I know all the words
Being surprised that I'm being surprised

Home again step on the cat
She's too dark to see

Apologize and sleep on the couch
Move to bed at six in the morning
Strip to underwear catch my reflection
Older, unflattering, ponchy and hairy

This is who I've been all along
Still sad about it

It's still cold in there so I wrap up in the extra blanket that I had
Would rather it be a person, not a person skinned and made blanket
Somebody besides me

I had a great time, now it's a bad time
I had a great time, now it's a bad time
I distracted myself with not feeling well
I don't think I'm good at this but what else can I do

Friday, November 4, 2016

You look beautiful in the moonlight.
You look beautiful in the daylight, too.
And dusk! And dawn, when it's colder than it will be all day.
When it's early and I wake up before you and you say not to look because you have morning face and a birds' nest for hair, too.
When you're angry with me, when you're sad and it's my fault, when stuff just will not work out.
When I'm boring or say the wrong thing or am uncommunicative.
When I'm surprised to see you, just a weird fluke.
And right after that, too.