Wednesday, December 30, 2015

and that’s a huge bummer
was it kinda nice to see me smile?
throw my better self overboard
shoot at him when he comes up for air
oh let me tell you about my operation
let's go on a crime spree together
let me tell you what a fool I've been
the last of the assholes
you're like an ikea hot dog, i can't resist you
should I'd have stayed at home indoors?
i think i can, i think i can, i think i can, i think i can
things will get better once we leave the winter far behind

Sunday, December 13, 2015

I finally got to go to a show
This week has been absurd
I don't know the band, I'm not a metal fan
But it's loud enough that I don't have to talk much
So that's pretty great
This week, you guys
I need the next week to sleep
Get into my cocoon
Maybe grow wings, shed skins, etc.
I can't stay asleep without feeling guilty
And having dreams that make me feel dumb
And I can't stay in bed without rolling myself into a hug machine-type position
And I keep meaning to look up if that's a thing or a coping mechanism or why I keep doing it
Welcome to no haikus ever, which I only ever write in when I've had a few
Life is acceptably good
Because let's not be greedy
Let's not be greedy and a jerk
Pick one
Pick being a jerk, if you're already very skilled at being a jerk
Fifteen dollar cover?
I could have had pizza
I AM a jerk!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A parking lot on Redwood where there is now a large modern church, too drunk, breath hot and terrible
I don't remember, but I remember you called me a dreamboat at the show
The front steps of FWCI, because you said you wanted to
Kristin's couch, because I wanted to
And again I don't remember, but I remember cucumber and balsamic vinegar
Red paint peeling off of the walls of your room like latex and singing that Sublime song too much
Everything but kissing you while not watching Pan's Labyrinth, and that strawberry top, and never ever fighting
I remember you sharing the book you were writing on a google doc and an insistence on gum to kill the smell of cigarettes
Under the streetlight by the record shop, and seeing you all the time despite never seeing you ever before we met
And too fast after the haunted house, because I thought that I had to, because that's how these things work
Though let's be fair, look at all this, I'm still working on figuring out how things work

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

it's not you, it's me
it's a little you, but it's mostly me
look, it's us, it's this whole thing of you and me at the same time
at some point we're going to let you know that it's pretty much you
but we're trying to be nice about it for now
because we know how fragile you are
and that you are afraid that you're going to be alone
and that you hate it because you're afraid
so you get cynical and pissy
like, all the time
but it's me
really, bud

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

all the funny white guys wear cardigans
and roll their sleeves up
and have that high on the sides haircut
and beards
and oh no i do too
i thought i was a snowflake
people why didn't you tell me
why didn't you tell me that i'm not a snowflake
and that i'm just another funny white guy
shit people i thought you had my back
fuck people
what do i do
i am freaking out here

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Is it weird that she smelled like cherry pop-tarts?
Is it weird that that's the thing that stuck with me?
Is it weird that I would rather have that scent overwhelm just the one sense,
Scents scense, 'til I'm scentsless
Than just eat a goddamned pop-tart?
Smell is to wanting as taste is to having
I suppose it is.
Weird, that is.
Well, rats.