Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I've learned to fear the heights of feeling good
Because, boom, there's the crash
The crest and the and orange juice
I don't know how that happened

Get into work
My voice is cracking from not being used
Exercise it, socialize
Open up a little to strangers
Go for a walk, it's actually nice out
Even if it is an uneventful walk
Go home, feed the cat, feed the me
Draw for a commission, go for a drink

Was it the women nattering away in the booth next to me?
With their incessant, cackling, laughter
Was it that the guy with the fade/manbun combo?
He was confident and handsome and a creator
Was it the walk and seeing the same damned car?
Important reminder, that thing you fucked up
Was it Men In Black?

Maybe I'm just tired
Sure I'm tired
But I wrote this last week
And put it in the buffer
So maybe I feel better this week
And the sun's out
And I don't crash

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The wind doesn't cut into me right now
I went for a walk and the wind was pushing and punching
Shoving me, trying to knock me over
It was screaming at me like it was angry with me
But it couldn't cut me
It's not a winter wind anymore
It's like the real anger, the real drive, went out of it
It's not what it could be, replaced with something
Almost just taunting
Kinda impotent
In the summer it will be sometimes hard to bike against
And it will make me tired
And when I walk it woll make my jacket or sweater or whatever incessantly blow in a contrary direction
And rip my headphones out of my ears
But it won't cut me
It won't cut me for months
So push and punch if it makes you feel better
You stupid, stupid wind